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Development of a product based on renewable resources (sheep wool) suitable for insulation of buildings and premises

Agricultural Economics, Business; Livestock farming
Business management, thermal insulating materials derived from sheep wool

The innovation of the project is the development of a product based on sheep wool, i.e. thermal insulating materials with natural properties suitable for the insulation of buildings and premises, promoting the efficient use of these resources, increasing the competitiveness of sheep farmers, supporting the transition to a less polluting and lower carbon agricultural sector. The project has contributed to addressing the further use of surplus sheep wool, environmental issues and creating additional opportunities for stakeholders in the insulation of buildings and the construction sector.

There are hardly any companies left in Lithuania that process and use Lithuanian wool (especially coarse wool sheep breeds). As a result, the country accumulates a large amount of off-grade sheep wool each year, which is either disposed of in landfills (additional litter) or burned (additional CO2 and other air pollutants) or buried in the ground (additional pollution). The project partner – Vilnius Gediminas Technical University – has developed a prototype of sheep wool thermal insulating materials, tested and corrected a new product – a sheep wool thermal insulating material, developed a description of the use of the material, evaluated sheep wool structural parameters, the technological parameters of sheep wool construction materials and the performance of sheep wool webs supplemented with additives. The product developed, made from a renewable resource (sheep wool), has natural properties, is suitable for the insulation of buildings and premises, and promotes the efficient use of these resources, as sheep farmers could generate additional income and increase their competitiveness by replacing the current costs of wool disposal. The organisation of the production of such a product would encourage a shift towards a less polluting and lower carbon agricultural sector.

Effect: Sustainable Farming, Economical, Agro-environmental protection

Argumentation: Economic benefits – the cost of disposing of 1 tonne of unused wool is around €150. The cost of wool used for the production of thermal insulating materials would be around 500 €/t. This will allow farmers to generate significant income instead of quite significant costs. Environmental benefits: 160-165 tonnes of sheep wool could be used annually to produce the product (about 50% of the current wool production), which is currently being disposed of by incineration and increases CO2 emissions.

Project description: Thermal insulating materials derived from sheep wool

Thermal insulation materials of sheep wool.pdf
About innovation
  • Year: 2021