
Taikomųjų inovacijų tyrimų ir rezultatų informacinė sistema


The Applied Innovation Research and Results Information System

2020 06 11


       Research institutions, farms, other specialised producers and farmers can submit information on innovations that are or may be of greater or lesser relevance to sustainable agricultural production for publication in the system. Only persons registered in the system may submit information on a scientific or practical innovation. In the case of information submitted by an institution, the person responsible for the information on the innovation submitted must register it. 
       Innovation is understood as a technological and/or organisational improvement of an agricultural and forestry product, process, technology, method of production and/or service, which can be tested, demonstrated and applied under production conditions. 
       Evaluation of innovation - The evaluation process of the submitted information on the innovation to be publicised involves an evaluator, a language editor, a translator and a system administrator.
       Duration of evaluation - The evaluation of an innovation takes 12 working days and consists of the following steps: Evaluation – a designated competent expert in the specific field of  LAAS evaluates the innovation to be publicised, focusing on its novelty, relevance, applicability and topicality (3 working days); Editing of the language – the language editor checks for style and grammatical errors (3 working days); Translation – a translator translates the innovation to be submitted into English or Lithuanian (3 working days); Administration – an administrator administers the system, communicating with the data provider, the evaluator, the language editor and the translator (3 working days). 
       Publicising innovation - The evaluated innovation may be made public by the Data Provider (the person providing the information on the scientific or practical innovation) or, with his/her agreement, by the System Administrator. The latter may make the innovation publicly available in TITRIS without the consent of the Data Provider, if the latter does not do so within 5 working days of receiving the letter stating that the innovation is available for publication. 
       TITRIS contact person - is the System Administrator, who will answer any questions you may have at ipt@lzukt.lt 

       The Rules may be amended or modified without prior notice.